Count Your Blessings Lovingly


Last night, I had the pleasure of witnessing firsthand, with my dear friend Leslie, kids like Rachel Mason–along with her sister Maya–performing one of Taylor Swift’s songs “Blank Space” and their performance will blow you away. Every child performed with such passion, each with a resilient and unafraid spirit like I have never seen in my lifetime. It truly put life clearly in perspective for me; not to mention, the 6,000 guests who were in attendance last night. Watching each child perform with such passion, vigor, and heart will make you never not want to complain about anything.

Kudos to Christina Sajous who has been a volunteer for the Garden of Dreams for the last five years; she clearly loves participating and giving and showing limitless love and advice toward the kids. One word, she said, describes the kids’ spirits during rehearsal and performing on stage: #FEARLESS!!!

Hoda Kotb undoubtedly said that this foundation does it right; you know that the money that you are investing is definitely going to a worthy cause. They talk the talk and walk the walk. And once you do the event, you MUST come back and do it again and again. The one thing that we all have in common as human beings is that we all have basic needs, yet the following kids have overcome many obstacles, persevered and won at being fearless. A goal that some of us can only dream about; yet, they prevail and overcome with beautiful spirits and a smile that literally lights up the world from the stage of the iconic Radio City Music Hall.

Shawn Mendes, in the above video, performs with two young men: Jordan Matalon who sang “Stitches” “because he had many stitches after his surgery,” and James Ciannello who performed “Never Be Alone” ” because he always listens to this song on the way home from the hospital.”

CONGRATS to all the staffers, volunteers, and celebs who helped and participated in this momentous event last night at Radio City Music Hall.

The 2016 Garden of Dreams Talent Show Performers: Paul Deandre Manning, Amanda Sweeney, James Ciannello, Jordon Matalon, Stephen Durosaiye & Tavan Thomas, Stephanie Consiglo, Hannah Pienkowski, Rusk Ringers, Abbie Anderson, Young Prodigies, Ngawang Tseten & Ahmed Shareef, Aaron Miller, Caroline Watters, Kemoy Paul Hutchinson, Scott Adamchek, Emily Rose Bass, Brooke Chaco, Victoria Rodriguez & Chanela Vasquez, Rachel and Maya Mason, Malcolm Eubanks,  Jonathan Regis, Lyrical L, Aminata Sangare, & Aaron K. Amankwah – CONGRATS & KUDOS for an AMAZING performance.

Love Hopeful Mondays

“Our thoughts create our reality.” – Susan L. Taylor


Happy Monday, and I wish you a great day and week to follow. Whatever you are working on, whether it is work related or a self project that you are passionate about, it will need you to FOCUS, PLAN, & EXECUTE. Find resources, people, and “communities,” like my sister Vay mentioned to me, to help you get the job done. Which also sounds like Connectional Intelligence, in terms of how it often takes a village or a community of people to get a job done successfully.

So, remember that you are not alone, and don’t be so prideful as to be embarrassed if you need to ask for help. Because, in reality, everyone is trying to get the same result, which is a goal that will enhance the efforts of the “collective”, “self”, or your business. And, don’t be too shy to talk to your boss on the importance of using social media to build momentum, or to get your product, idea, or other innovation traction in front of millions.

Step out of your comfort zone, know that you can make a difference, and always know that you can challenge the status quo–which was once told to me by a senior vice president.

The only difference between stumbling blocks and steppingstones is the way in which we use them!1


Love the Company You’re In

Today I attended the American Management Association‘s Women’s Leadership Center Breakfast and had the pleasure of meeting Erica Dhawan. The wonderful mind behind the “Connectional Intelligence” model. This Harvard-trained researcher came with a vast base of knowledge. Even the Q&A was monumental–in that the majority of the women in attendance were seasoned in their careers and literally found new avenues to bring relevancy to their team(s) by seeing growth potential that can affect the bottom line.

My take-away was collecting information on how to launch my iMatter Campaign (which is apart of my Lovin Self Brand), since I want it to become a global phenomenon. And in that room… it became possible.

Look around you; look within your inner circle of friends, business acquaintances, or colleagues and see how you can join forces to satisfy and bring about a much needed resolution toward creating your “idea,” a new product at work, or just brainstorming. That’s what Connectional Intelligence is all about, connecting with a “Thinker (Sees Big Picture), the Enabler (Brings it together), and the Connection Execution (Mobilize Into Action)” based on Erica’s model.

Love her and the brain power that she shared so effortlessly, passionately, and enthusiastically!! Awesome-Sauce!!!

And #kudos and a special thank you to #Laura Katen  of @katenconsulting  who did a phenomenal job at keeping the energy alive and on fire in the room this morning; along with assisting in hosting the AMA Women’s Leadership Center Breakfast. #amawlc


Love’s Conviction

“The supreme happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved.”


Ok, I’ll be the first to say that I have been truly loved; not once, not twice, but three times. Yes, and I’m great… but lack in the areas of keeping and holding onto love. I have yet to learn the secret of sustaining a “loving” relationship; but what I do know for sure is that LOVE never wants you to die of SELF to make someone else happy.

Nor does LOVE want you to sacrifice SELF for the sake of someone else’s happiness. Remember, I believe in Accountability and any successful relationship requires both parties making sacrifices. Is it, truthfully, “by choice” that you are the only one in your relationship making ALL the sacrifices? It is very likely there is someone out there, reading this right now, and realizing they are not such a happy camper.

That’s where LOVIN SELF comes into action and helps you realize your true worth. Life was not created for you to not matter, au contraire; at the very least to yourself. Every human being has a purpose and the ability to put a dent in the universe (Steve Jobs).

My purpose in life is to share joy from my light within; add a smile daily to someone’s beautiful face; and help you alleviate STRESS from your life (in the simplest way possible, featuring my Lovin Self relaxing bath salts and soothing bath teas).

Remember, you do matter! You are vital to SELF! And, before the weekend is over, PLEASE give yourself a loving HUG. You owe it to yourself.






Lovin Self is Joyous

I Matter because All Things come Together, because I am Effective and Real…iMatter”


Sometimes, you will encounter that one person who always push your buttons and turn your joyous day into a miserable one. They will challenge your inner self, make you feel that you are less than perfect and not enough… Please remember to “ALWAYS consider your source.”  This was one of the many Life Lessons that I learned from my Paternal Grandmother who was influential in my life more so than my Maternal Grandmother who I grew up around.

Any person who tears you down and does not uplift you and encourage your best… eliminate them from your life immediately or start severing the relationship.  It is always ok to love someone from a distance, even if it is a family member.  Especially when they will try to assassinate your character, destroy the little bit of confidence that you do have, just to make you feel less than human.

Characteristics of a hater:

  • Consumed with toxic behavior
  • Always angers for no apparent reason
  • Hates EVERYONE
  • Finds wrong or bad in everything
  • Miserable inside and out
  • An Evil spirit
  • Hateful toward or Dislikes anything just because

Yikes!!! Stop the madness and “choose” to be a part of the solution and not the problem.  Allowing them to take control of your life and your happiness grants them power that you continue to give, and it feeds them, prolonging their control over you and your happiness.

The secret of their hate toward you is that they see your potentional greatness and don’t want that to happen. The more that they can control your thought process and mindset, the more you will remain imprisoned to them.


Love Is An Action Word

“Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.” – James Baldwin


Love is an Action word that freely allows us to openly express our feelings proudly, without being an offense to anyone. The most precious gift that a child gives to their parent(s) is the ability to love them unconditionally. Somehow, some way most adults have forgoten this vital component in relationships, which give reason for them to most likely fail.

Remember, he or she will love you Just Because…And NEVER compromise SELF for the sake of someone else. If it’s Love, everyone will sacrifice and it’s never one sided.



Love Says…#Rule Yourself

#Rule Yourself, is Under Armour AMAZING campaign on Self Motivaiton. Never believe that you are not enough, because when you stand within #SELF; You are enough!!!  When you learn to Love on Self, you are feeding your spirit with Hope, Love, forgiveness and true appreciation. You do matter…say iMatter!