Fearless Girl Now Stands Toe to Toe with NYC Officials


I will never say that America is a sexist country, where little girls or women don’t matter, because I am a pure optimist and have a hopeful spirit that little girls and women will continue to have an impact and change the world as we see it.

On March 8, two days before NYC Harriet Tubman Day, to celebrate International Women’s Day, New York advertising agency McCann and its Boston-based client State Street Global Advisors temporarily installed the sculpture of a 50-inch-tall bronze girl who stands defiant, with hands on her hips, staring down the “Charging Bull.” Is this a ploy, many are speculating, “to draw attention to the index fund giant’s campaign to get more women into board roles against the backdrop and the anniversary of the launch of an exchange-traded fund that tracks companies that have higher levels of gender diversity in its leadership”? Who knows, but time will tell.

Even after the banking crisis in 2008, the bull statue on Wall Street still stands proud, bold with the remarkable symbolism of a strong Bullish Wall Street Market; which wiped out Lehman Brothers. Even after all the top investment firms like Merrill and Goldman had to merge with various banks, such as Citibank, Chase, and Bank of America, just to name a few, so that they could remain viable, became untouchable and “Too Big To Fail” at the expense of working class people. But, who is keeping an account of the billions of dollars that were made within those deals?

Here comes the “Fearless Girl” bronze statue that New Yorkers, and eventually our world will support as a permanent installation. Her presence, spirit, and resilient stance took Wall Street by the horns, and stared down the mean old charging bull. Due to the notoriety it has received so far, it will be here until April 2, thanks to Mayor de Blasio’s extension for her installation. Originally, her instillation was temporary, given just a one-week permit, but her millions of fans, including myself, across the globe want her to stay.

Truly, this iconic fearless girl actually represents the likes of Harriet Tubman, Penny Chenery, Rosa Parks, Sheryl Sanberg, Oprah, and Michelle Obama.

Two quotes from the New York Daily News online article, published on March 18, sums up the importance of this installation:

“She sends an important message of hope to generations of girls who will grow up with confidence knowing that they too will succeed and thrive in a male-dominated sector and career.”

“Here we have a little girl facing a charging bull. Yet she is determined, she is strong, she is defiant.”

This is my tribute to you, to bring about attention for all of us “fearless girls,” because you matter. Fearless Girl, you matter because little girls need you; you inspire them not to back down, to face their fear head on, even if it’s a bull; you can win!!!

I salute you and will stand and support your spirit, presence, and girl power for ALL the little girls in the world to be encouraged by. Here is my vote, and you can support making the “Fearless Girl” installation permanent by signing the petition found on this site:

