Love & Goliath

“You are so much stronger than you think!”


Many of us have been at our wits end, frustrated, disgusted, and disappointed that our present situation is just ridiculous, might be causing us pain or even heartache! Ouch!!! Why, that’s because enough, is enough, and all your hard work should have paid off already. Right?! Okay, I get it; but what did you have to sacrifice for others? Definitely not anything for yourself because you would not be having this conversation if all your hard work would have paid off.

Life happens. Career, marriage, children, family, friends, divorce, relationships, dating, another marriage, another divorce, dating, adult kids, family, friends, job, job-less, job, unemployment, family, new friends, social networking, Netflix, FB, Twitter, Instagram, more friends, sex, social networking, innovative ideas, family, etc. You get the picture.

So, when do you plan something or anything for YOU? When do you focus, plan, and execute your ideas? Case in point–Joy Mangano, creator of the Miracle Mop and founder of Ingenious Designs, was also a single mom with something of a family support system. She was focused, had a plan, and executed her idea.

Source: Article

Now Joy runs a billion-dollar company and it’s still growing. All it takes is one idea (i.e., the Angry Birds (Birds Fighting Pigs) game app whose creators are from Finland). Really, guys?! It was released originally for free, and then they charged a $1 and millions of people downloaded the game (probably you). The point is that you need to trust and believe that whatever idea you have laying dormant in your gut is worth bringing to life by revisiting it, focusing on it, creating a plan of action for it, and executing that plan of action. I know that it’s much easier said than done; but if you never give it a try, then how will you know if it will succeed?

Another story…


“In 1953, a fledgling company called Rocket Chemical Company and its staff of three set out to create a line of rust-prevention solvents and degreasers for use in the aerospace industry. Working in a small lab in San Diego, California, it took them 40 attempts to get the water displacing formula worked out. But they must have been really good, because the original secret formula for WD-40® -which stands for Water Displacement perfected on the 40th try—is still in use today.” -WD-40 History


And, today, the consistent success of WD-40 speaks volumes since it is clearly still being used throughout the world. Now, that is definitely great success. So, the moral of this story is think about what the giant or Goliath is in your life, and be willing to face it. When we learn to focus and be consistent, life is limitless to the endless possibilities that you can accomplish. I believe in you, but most importantly, so does God!!! Never give up on your dreams and F.O.C.U.S., and the end results will be satisfying for you and all your commitments.



Love Says… Sky’s the Limit

“Love does not set limitations.”

;O) Happy Hump Day!!! Every Wednesday, I will welcome you with exciting, uplifting tunes for you to enjoy that will inspire, encourage, and sing loving songs to your heart, mind, and spirit. Yippy!!! “Awesome-Sauce!” I’m bringing you “the noise”, in hopes of recharging you for the remainder of the week and getting you focused on what matters to you; hopefully, it’s your dreams. Revisit, rethink, and even recharge your dormant dreams because they are simply waiting for you to release them into the Universe for the world to enjoy.

“Know and believe that you can make a dent in the Universe.” – Steve Jobs

I’m truly grateful, joyous, and excited that it’s Wednesday, even though I am faced with many challenges; but I am thrilled for those challenges because I’m meeting them with a prayerful and hopeful heart. I am taking steps towards my dreams by working on being up and running sooner than later.  However, I’m learning that it requires meeting very important criteria that protects my potential customers, sites, you name it, you have to protect it. Hackers are no joke; see Mr. Robot, that awesome programmer/hacker show on USA. Love it!!

 “Good things comes to those who wait.”

Patience is definitely a virtue because it teaches you the importance of planning, executing properly, and establishing structure toward the potential success of everything coming together with perfection. The good news is that I am very HOPEFUL, and that is because I know my outlook of my path/road, that it is phenomenal and unbelievable, helps me meet the challenges along it; trust me!!!

Every time that I hear this song I get goosebumps (confirmation that God is in agreement) and my Spirit jumps for joy with Happy Tears!!! Because the Sky is the Limit, and ANYTHING that you put her heart, time, and energy into will flourish. Stay FOCUSED, PLAN, and EXECUTE. You can do this–2016 is YOUR YEAR!!! And let’s not forget to acknowledge our Gratefulness for the things that we do have, and appreciate them because some are less fortunate than us.


Lovin Self is Victorious

“I can’t put it into words… everything that I do is a victory.” – Elizabeth Thompson

kevin and elizabethjpg

I had the pleasure some years ago to watch the 2009 Ironman World Championship (in Kona, Hawaii) and witnessed firsthand Elizabeth Thompson’s unbelievable will and determination during the race. Today is #HeroineTuesday and Elizabeth Thompson is undoubtedly the winner, hands down. In 2007, Elizabeth Thompson suffered a stroke, leaving her unable to walk. Her remarkable story is that she finished at Kona, where lots of great athletes did not finish.

“Elizabeth Thompson was on holiday in Nice when she suddenly found herself on the floor, unable to move. She lost use of her arms and her legs. One eye started to twitch. Her body was shutting down too much for her to even think that she might be dying. It turns out Thompson was having a stroke. Volunteer fire fighters took her to the hospital. She spent weeks in that hospital, starting the re-learning process that would involve learning how to walk and talk again. Her first workout? Standing next to her bed. Her next one? Trying to walk across the room. A year later, Thompson managed to finish Ironman France-Nice … well enough to qualify for the 2009 Ironman World Championship; of which she finished that race, too.” -Kevin Mackinnon, 2009

Of course when I watched this some years ago, I was spellbound by her determination and unrelenting spirit to not quit, and not look at the mountain figuratively, but what was actually in front of her. Sometimes challenges can get overwhelming and throw you and your complete game plan out of whack. But, when we learn to only look at what’s in front of us and not focus on the BIG mountain (I can speak to this as an advanced skier who loves doing Black Diamonds), which is often far in the distance, we can finish our race just like Elizabeth Thompson did. So, grab fear by the horn, toss it aside, and continue on to your race–and you will succeed too!!


Love… Be About You

“Be About Your Life… and Love It!”

Source: Faith Hunter

My dearest Sister-Friend Tami gave me the gift of a lifetime; thank you T. I had the pleasure of meeting Faith Hunter, world-renowned Yoga instructor at the Art of Yoga on Saturday, March 26 at the Brooklyn Museum. Simply a life-changing experience that left me in awe of the things that I need to change in my life for the betterment of SELF. I always look at things in the 3-dimensional (Just like the Trinity: the Father, the Son & the Holy Spirit), which will also give me confirmation on things that I need answers for.

While traveling to the class to meet Tami and I was reading an excerpt from Miss Jessie’s: Creating a Successful Business from Scratch—Naturally and on page 125, from Chapter Seven, “It’s All About the Hair”, talking about the pros of wearing natural hair: “You may feel a greater sense of pride, Self Love, and self acceptance.” Self-Love is very meaningful to me, and I do take this philosophy seriously,which is why it is the underlying platform of my Lovin Self brand. Once I arrived, I met a wonderful, calm, beautiful, and spirited woman who stood out. Her name was Anu Prestonia, who specializes in hair and body care, and happens to be very good friends with my girlfriend Tami.

Once the class started, Faith was able to make me feel like I have been doing Yoga for years. I did not feel embarrassed because I was a newbie, and I was very comfortable doing the “Child-like” resting pose when it became too challenging. Once the class ended, I was totally not convinced that Yoga was for me–too slow, so I thought. Yes, the class was inspiring, uplifting, encouraging, and peaceful with many similarly joyous spirits that were in the large dome-like room.

Please note, I have tried Yoga a few times, but again I think that it’s too slow for my “over the top” energy. Once the class ended, Tami and I had a very brief discussion about Yoga and I still was not convinced that this was for me. I started talking with Anu, whose spirit engulfed me and captivated my spirit, mind, and attention. Anu has been practicing Yoga for 30+ years, and there’s one thing that she said that stuck like glue: “It’s a form of Self-Love, you’re Loving Self. You are healing, and saying to, yourself that ‘I love you’.” At that moment I fought back tears, because if I am trying to teach others about the very important art of loving self, then how can I not, at the very least, give Yoga a try to see if this will calm me down so that I can focus better on the things that really matter to me and not others that distract or discourage me.  

Like Faith Hunter, Anu Prestonia, and Miko Branch all teach and express, Self-Love is a form of love that heals, nurtures, soothes, and restores you back to wholeness lovingly.

How will you have a #HappyMonday and a more #MindfulMonday? Feel free to share in the comments below!

Love Says…Never Say Can’t

“If you are never given limits, you can do anything.” – Jennifer Bricker

How does one overcome the odds that were placed at your doorstep at birth? When you were tossed aside, forgotten, ignored, neglected as a child, and felt like the poster-child for “No Achievements” now or ever. But, due to your relentless will, you fooled everyone and you succeeded. How and why does a person achieve the impossible, when every obstacle was stacked up against them or landed in their path? Yet, they (and that can include YOU!) accomplish the inevitable… Greatness, with a heart full of Gratitude, and a Spirit that will light up the world!!

Meet Jennifer Bricker, who is exactly that person, who beat what might look like insurmountable odds–to anyone else–in a courageous way and achieved her life’s dream. She is my Shero!! And, how did she do it? It took D.R.I.V.E. (Determination, Resiliency, Inner-Strength, a Victorious spirit, and Earnestness from within SELF to achieve the seemingly impossible triumphantly).

She never used her unfortunate circumstance as a crutch or an excuse for not accomplishing what she set out to do. I truly do admire people who NEVER use their life circumstances, past or present, as a reason to not achieve or accomplish anything that they might want or dream for in life. Which explains why I literally don’t take a liking to complainers, or people who choose to use their life situation as a reason for not wanting to do anything to change their life situation. I am the worst person to come to if you have a victim mentality. My advice to you… Pull out a set of Rosary Beads, and get to praying. My strength lies in my God wholeheartedly, and all I can do for you is pray.

Some may find that I’m not being compassionate enough… Au contraire! My favorite quote is “If it’s in you… you will succeed.” But to continue to rely on excuse after excuse to overshadow your laziness, your lackluster ambition,  or lack of determination to simply try… I’d have to plead the 5th!

My middle name is Accountability, which pretty much defines my personality. In any given situation that you are apart of, what role did you play? Victim? Okay. Bad things happen to good people all the time. Take the time you need to grieve your losses, but don’t stop thinking about what your next move will be to change your situation or circumstance. We need to stop blaming others for our screw-ups, or how our life turned out. Especially when you meet people like Jennifer Bricker, who live beyond a tragic experience by not allowing their circumstance to merely be an excuse not to live life at all.


Remember, when you change your mindset, it will change your attitude, which will change your life!!

Much love and respect to ALL the people like Jennifer Bricker who remind us on a daily basis that there is no room for excuses in our omnipotent, gracious Universe.



Lovin Self is NOT a Crime…

Lovin Self is NOT a Crime, But Your Duty!


One of the joys of life is being accepted by SELF… Your imperfections, your flaws, that quirky, feisty, controlling, kind, nice, sweet personality–all of who you are. Every part makes up the unique person called YOU! So, I always find it funny when someone wants to change another human being. Who died and made you boss or architect of another person’s life?

 Yes, with the power of the very concept, who doesn’t want to be, to feel, to seem “Perfect”? But, we are quickly learning that’s an insane and unrealistic goal, because the only person I know who is perfect is my higher power (God). We all have flaws, faults, and imperfections; even people who are known as being a “9” or a perfect “10”. That’s why it is so vital, really critical, for you to accept SELF, just the way that you are.

Yes, everyone can use some form of improvement to SELF, like the dispelling of an angry spirit that shows up in your face all the time; or like learning a life skill that grants you the great job you so wanted; or completing your education to catapult your life circumstance(s); or forgiveness that frees you from the bondage of hate; or a damaging habit/addiction that you want to eliminate from your life.

The more that you accept yourself, value who you are, forgive SELF for all the mistakes or wrong that you have done, know that you are truly Blessed, embrace the free will to express who you really are, trust the notion that you matter, and know that lovin self is nurturing the heart, mind, and spirit, the more courage you have to EMPOWER SELF which will result in you Embracing SELF… Just for the Love of it!!


When we learn to accept people for who they are and what they are, good or bad, the stress will also dissipate from our lives. Remember, when you are just being you and that results in offending someone, that is definitely a red flag. People are people, and, like Maya Angelou said, when someone “shows you who they are… believe them.”

In a situation where our autonomy, our power, has been stripped from us, we can forget, but we always have the powers of Choice and Free Will to change. So, when you allow negative behavior from someone–a mental, physical, or verbal abuser, on any level, from parents to bosses–without standing up for yourself, you have silently become part of the problem by enabling the person’s behavior; you are “accepting” that type of behavior. The valuable lesson in this is that, once you learn to LOVE SELF, you can stop accepting the behaviors from other people who hurt or oppress YOU; especially on a constant basis, because you know that you deserve better, and that behavior is not of LOVE.

When we learn to LOVE on SELF, it builds character, enhances integrity, and boosts confidence to a level unlike anything you’ve felt before because it brings about peace, joy, love, success, and, ultimately, tranquility for SELF.