Love Your Creativity & Happy July 4th



A winner don’t quit on themself” – Beyonce’

#Kudos to #Beyonce for her uplifting and inspiring performance of  #Freedom which she sung at the 2016 BET Awards, and bought the house to their feet.  #CondeNast last month “at their #CNTravelerShorties, asked their guests what creativity meant to them?

“What is Creativity and what is it to you? Crreativity to me is #FREEDOM to be yourself, and not be an offense to anyone.  Which is why I created my “2BMe” – To Know Me…Is To Love Me…Just Becuase” jewelry collection. “Just Because”: in other words, without condition.  The 2BMe symbol, reminds young women and men that being just as they are, and being known just as they are, is enough to receive love. And have the Freedom to accept SELF, and be proud just because.

